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J. Conserv. Sci > Volume 29(1); 2013 > Article
Journal of Conservation Science 2013;29(1):35-45.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12654/JCS.2013.29.1.04    Published online March 31, 2013.
서울 동관왕묘 소조상의 비파괴진단 및 제작기법 해석
이정은, 한나라, 이찬희
Interpretation of Making Techniques and Nondestructive Diagnosis for the Clay Statues in Donggwanwangmyo Shrine, Seoul
Jeong Eun Yi, Na Ra Han, Chan Hee Lee
초 록
서울 동관왕묘(보물 제142호) 소조상은 균열, 박리, 박락 및 탈락 등의 물리적 훼손과 먼지 오염물, 색상별 안료의 부분변색 등 손상이 발생하였다. 초음파 측정을 통해 소조상 내부의 물리적 훼손상태를 확인한 결과, 우장군 전면 하단부에서 가장 낮은 저속도대가 나타났다. 안료층의 결함상태는 적외선열화상 조사를 통해 정량적으로 평가하였으며, 박락부분에서 고온영역이 확인되었다. 감마선과 적외선 TV 촬영, 주사전자현미경 관찰 결과, 소조상은 목심으로 기초를 만들고 연결부위는 가는 철사를 이용하여 고정하였다. 고정된 목심은 새끼줄로 밀착 후 소조토로 성형하였다. 소조토는 균열과 탈락방지를 위해 볏짚을 혼합하였으며, 한지와 면섬유를 덧발라 안료층과 구분한 것으로 나타났다.
중심어: 동관왕묘, 소조상, 초음파측정, 적외선열화상, 감마선, 적외선 TV
The Clay Statues of Donggwanwangmyo Shrine (Treasure No. 142) are highly damaged physical weathering which are crack, exfoliation. Pigment of surface are discolored by chemical weathering like dust. The result of ultrasonic velocity measurement, low velocity zone was measured the lowest part of Woojanggun Statue. Deficiency condition of pigment layer was evaluated quantitatively through infrared Thermography. As a result, exfoliation part was detected at high temperature. Making techniques of the Clay statues were identified by gamma rays, infrared TV, SEM. All Clay Statues were founded on wood base and joints of wood were fixed using thin iron wires. After wood base was twisted a straw rope, it was made by clay. Clay was blended with rice straw to prevention of crack and exfoliation. The upper side of clay layer was coated with Hanji(Korean handmade paper) and cotton in order to isolate the pigment layer.
Key Words: Donggwanwangmyo Shrine, Clay Statue, Ultrasonic measurement, Infrared thermography, Gamma rays, Infrared TV camera

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