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Journal of Conservation Science 2012;28(1):29-37.
Published online March 30, 2012.
열처리 조건에 따른 재현 도금층의 표면현상
양석우, 김수기
A Study on the Surface Phenomena of Re‐creational Gilt Layer by Conditions of Heat Treatment
Seok-woo Yang, Soo-ki Kim
초 록
이 연구는 매장상태에서 출토되는 금동유물의 표면색이 고유한 금색 이외에 붉은 계열의 색들과 교반되어 나타나는 원인을 규명하고자 수은아말감도금법을 재현해 보고 완성품에 대하여 열처리 조건을 변화시켜 도금층의 표면색과 표면 및 단면의 상태변화를 알아보고자 하였다. 그 결과 높은 열처리 실험조건 일수록 도금층에 검은 산화물층이 넓게 생성되었으며, 산화물층을 제거한 부분에서는 붉은색의 도금 표면색이 표출되었다. 또한 표면이 노란색과 붉은색으로 교반된 시료의 미세 표면관찰에서는 색상에 따라 표면상태의 변화양상이 다르게 나타났으며 단면에서는 도금층 공극의 밀도와 크기가 점차 커지는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 열처리 실험 후 표면성분분석 결과 온도가 올라갈수록 Hg와 Au의 비율은 감소하였으나 Cu의 성분비는 증가하였다. 또한 단면분석 결과에서도 실험조건에 따른 층위별 Au와 Cu의 성분변화가 반비례하는 경향을 보였다. 이러한 실험결과들을 볼 때 아말감을 이용한 금동유물은 생산과정이나 생산 이후에 열이 도금층의 표면색에 영향을 미치는 것을 의미하며 도금층 상태에도 관계된다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.
중심어: 도금유물, 수은아말감도금법, 재현실험, 열처리, 표면색
This study discusses a mercury amalgam gilding technique and examines how the color, surface and section of the gilt layer changes as the condition of heat treatment with mercury amalgam gilt object is changed. Some previous studies have mentioned reasons for various colors on gilt bronze artifacts depending on gilding manufacture and environment. However, reason for reddish color with gold on the artifacts’ surface brought on high temperature corrosion has yet to be discussed and analyzed. A methodology was found in representing the mercury amalgam gilding technique and heat treatment test. According to the result of the heat treatment test, in the conditions of higher temperature and longer time, the oxidized layer on the gilt layer was distributed more widely and in the part when the oxide layer was eliminated, the gilt layer with a reddish color was observed. Moreover, in the surface observation of the specimen on which yellow and reddish colors were agitated, the changing aspects of its surface condition differed by colors. When investigated the section, it was observed that the void density and size became larger. After a test, the surface components changed; the temperature of heat treatment increased, component ratio of Hg and Au decreased gradually but component ratio of Cu increased. In regard to the gilt layer, as the time was longer and the temperature became higher for the heat treatment, the component ratio of Au and Cu by layers tended to change in inverse proportion. It is concluded that gilding techniques and the burial environment can make a difference in the surface color of the gilt layer on the gilt bronze artifacts, the high temperature corrosion that occurs by heat after they are manufactured is also one of the factors that affects their surface color.
Key Words: Gilded artifacts, Amalgam process, Reappearance experiments, Heat treatment, Surface color

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